Last updated: 2020-09-23

Checks: 6 1

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Untracked files:
    Untracked:  analysis/20200907_Response_Point_02.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/20200907_Response_Point_04.Rmd
    Untracked:  data/c5.all.v7.1.symbols.gmt
    Untracked:  data/c5.all.v7.1.symbols.gmt.categories.tsv.gz
    Untracked:  data/h.all.v7.1.symbols.gmt

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/20200907_Response_OriginalComments.Rmd
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    Modified:   analysis/Final_2_DispersionPlots.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis_temp/TabulaMuris_analysis2.Rmd

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Original reviewer point:

The second test is to correlate the higher coding sequence conservation with lower dispersion. Again, the positive result is not unexpected. There are many indirect and/or confounding factors that may explain the effect. This reviewer, however, understands it is impossible to control them all (also authors have attempted to address some of them in the next few tests). However, here it is better to add exploratory analyses for genes in different functional groups and also give examples of outlier genes that do not follow the rule.

This proposed analysis was difficult for me to come up with a way to enact. One idea is to pick each a set of gene annotation groups (which are often overlapping, complicating the matter), and then perform the dn/ds vs dispersion correlation test for each gene group. The most appropriate gene set annotations I found to use for this purpose is the MSigDB Hallmark gene collection, which contains 50 gene sets, each with mostly non-overlapping sets of genes no greater than 200 per set.

Another approach, which I will also enact below, is to perform a standard GSEA analysis using the residual of the genome-wide dn/ds vs dispersion trend. In other words, what gene sets have higher dispersion than you would expect given its dn/ds.


First, load necessary libraries… and read in data


#read in table of overdispersion, dispersion, mean expresion estimates
Dispersion <- read.delim('../output/OverdispersionEstimatesFromChimp.txt')

Dispersion$MeanDispersion <- (Dispersion$Chimp.Residual + Dispersion$Human.Residual)/2

#Read in table of dn/ds estimates
PanMammal.dnds <- read.delim("../data/Overall_dN_dS.bed", col.names = c("chrom", 'start', "stop", "gene", "score", "strand", "blockstart", "blockstop", "color", "ensemblprotein", "dn.ds"))

#Gene name symbols
Symbols <- read.delim("../data/HumanGeneIdToHGNC_Symbol.Biomart.txt.gz", stringsAsFactors = F) %>% dplyr::select(ensembl_gene_id=Gene.stable.ID, hgnc_symbol=HGNC.symbol)

MergedTable <- left_join(Dispersion, Symbols, by=c("gene"="ensembl_gene_id")) %>% 
  left_join(PanMammal.dnds, by=c("hgnc_symbol"="gene")) %>%
  dplyr::select(gene, Chimp.Residual, Human.Residual, MeanDispersion, dn.ds) %>%
  drop_na() %>%
  filter(dn.ds>0) #drop things that will cause error when taking log.

head(MergedTable) %>% kable()
gene Chimp.Residual Human.Residual MeanDispersion dn.ds
ENSG00000186891 2.3121799 0.0805422 1.1963611 0.472922
ENSG00000186827 1.6405781 1.9529450 1.7967615 0.279429
ENSG00000078808 -0.5386575 -0.8183559 -0.6785067 0.076499
ENSG00000176022 -0.2006514 -0.6565939 -0.4286227 0.048958
ENSG00000160087 -0.4256215 -0.7154168 -0.5705192 0.107057
ENSG00000169972 -0.4701338 0.4063494 -0.0318922 0.157678
GmtFile <- "/Users/benfair/Downloads/c5.all.v7.1.symbols.gmt"

NumFields <- max(count.fields(GmtFile, sep = '\t'))
HallmarkGeneSets <- read.table(GmtFile, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", 
  col.names = c("GeneSetName", "link", paste0("V",seq_len(NumFields-2))), fill = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = F, na.strings = "") %>%
  dplyr::select(-link) %>%
  gather(key="NumGeneInSet", value="gene", -GeneSetName) %>%
  drop_na() %>%
  arrange(GeneSetName, NumGeneInSet) %>%
  dplyr::select(-NumGeneInSet) %>%
  inner_join(Symbols, by=c("gene"="hgnc_symbol"))

head(HallmarkGeneSets) %>% kable()
GeneSetName gene ensembl_gene_id

Now I will get the dn/ds vs dispersion correlation coefficient and p value for each gene set.

Cor.twosidedtest <- HallmarkGeneSets %>%
  left_join(MergedTable, by=c("ensembl_gene_id"="gene")) %>%
  drop_na() %>%
  add_count(GeneSetName) %>%
  filter(n>=5) %>%
  group_by(GeneSetName) %>%
  do(tidy(cor.test(.$dn.ds, .$MeanDispersion, method = "spearman", exact = T))) %>%
  filter(p.value>0) #filter out buggy cases because of ties in spearman cor test

Cor.twosidedtest %>% head() %>% kable()
GeneSetName estimate statistic p.value method alternative
GO_1_4_ALPHA_OLIGOGLUCAN_PHOSPHORYLASE_ACTIVITY 0.1000000 18 0.9500000 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided
GO_1_PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL_3_KINASE_ACTIVITY -0.1000000 22 0.9500000 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided
GO_1_PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL_3_KINASE_REGULATOR_ACTIVITY 0.0329670 440 0.9155316 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided
GO_1_PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL_BINDING 0.2142857 44 0.6615079 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided
GO_14_3_3_PROTEIN_BINDING -0.0979021 314 0.7662885 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided
GO_2_IRON_2_SULFUR_CLUSTER_BINDING -0.3901099 506 0.1887717 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided


Given how a lot of these tests are not independent (due to overlapping gene sets), I wasn’t sure what to expect in terms of well calibrated P-values. This histogram is a bit comforting. Let’s identify genes at some FDR threshold with Storey’s q-value method, and see what the strongest gene categories that drive this correlation are.

Cor.twosidedtest$q <- qvalue(Cor.twosidedtest$p.value)$qvalues

#How many sets FDR<0.1
(Cor.twosidedtest$q < 0.1 ) %>% table()
 6169   614 
#Are these significant sets basically just the really big sets with lots of power?
Cor.twosidedtest <- Cor.twosidedtest %>%
  mutate(Sig=q<0.1) %>%
    HallmarkGeneSets %>% left_join(MergedTable, by=c("ensembl_gene_id"="gene")) %>%
      drop_na() %>%
      count(GeneSetName) %>%
ggplot(Cor.twosidedtest, aes(x=n, color=Sig)) +
  geom_histogram() +

Ok that looks good. Let’s make a plot in a similar format to my other GO analyses, separated by BP, MF, or CC. To do this I need to read in different files to map which GO terms belong to which of those categories.

GO.categories <- read.table("../data/c5.all.v7.1.symbols.gmt.categories.tsv.gz", col.names = c("GeneSetName", "Category"), sep='\t') %>%
  mutate(Category=gsub("/Users/benfair/Downloads/c5.(.+?).v7.1.symbols.gmt",replacement = "\\1",Category

GO.Summary.plot <- Cor.twosidedtest %>% 
  left_join(GO.categories, by="GeneSetName") %>%
  dplyr::select(GeneSetName, SpearmansRho=estimate, p.value, p.adjust=q, setSize=n, ONTOLOGY=Category) %>%
  mutate(Polarization=sign(SpearmansRho)) %>%
  filter(!Polarization==0) %>%
  # filter(str_detect(Description, 'DNA')) %>%
  # group_by(ONTOLOGY, Polarization) %>%
  group_by(ONTOLOGY, Polarization) %>%
  arrange(p.adjust) %>%
  mutate(rowN=row_number()) %>%
  # top_n(n = 3, wt = -log(p.adjust)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(rowN<=3) %>%
  filter(p.adjust<0.1) %>%
  mutate(GeneSetName=str_remove(GeneSetName, "^GO_")) %>%
  mutate(ONTOLOGY=recode(ONTOLOGY, `bp` = "Biological Process", `cc` = "Cellular Component", `mf`="Molecular Function")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=SpearmansRho, y=GeneSetName, color=p.adjust, size=setSize)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-1,1), breaks=c(-1,0,1)) +
  facet_grid(ONTOLOGY~., scales = "free") +
  scale_colour_viridis_c(trans="log10", direction=-1, option="D", limits=c(1E-16, 0.1)) +
  # scale_colour_gradient(low="red", high="black") +
  facet_grid(ONTOLOGY~., scales = "free") +
  # xlab("Enrichment\nOverdispersedInHuman<-->OverdispersedInChimp") +
  xlab("Spearman's \u03C1") +
  scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) lapply(strwrap(x, width = 35, simplify = FALSE), paste, collapse="\n")) +
  labs(color = "Adjusted P-value") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dotted") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=6)) + 

I am skeptical of the negative associations. Consistent with the story I have been building, the strongest associations between dn.ds and dispersion are in immune related genes.

Let’s plot that correlation as a scatter plot, along with some randomly chosen category of similar size for comparison

#Find gene categories similar in size as comparison
Cor.twosidedtest %>% 
  filter(GeneSetName=="GO_REGULATION_OF_IMMUNE_SYSTEM_PROCESS") %>% kable()
GeneSetName estimate statistic p.value method alternative q Sig n
GO_REGULATION_OF_IMMUNE_SYSTEM_PROCESS 0.3600718 25295938 0 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0 TRUE 619
Cor.twosidedtest %>% 
  filter(n>579 & n< 649) %>% kable()
GeneSetName estimate statistic p.value method alternative q Sig n
GO_ADENYL_NUCLEOTIDE_BINDING 0.0722987 42070813 0.0658743 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.3054643 FALSE 648
GO_CELL_ACTIVATION 0.2846160 24115765 0.0000000 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0000000 TRUE 587
GO_CELL_PROJECTION_ORGANIZATION 0.0423731 34130874 0.3009068 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.6229631 FALSE 598
GO_CELLULAR_MACROMOLECULE_CATABOLIC_PROCESS 0.1653719 34617254 0.0000315 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0012964 TRUE 629
GO_CHROMOSOME_ORGANIZATION 0.1225912 28532078 0.0031047 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0456120 TRUE 580
GO_ENDOPLASMIC_RETICULUM 0.1391738 37963676 0.0004100 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0094061 TRUE 642
GO_INTRACELLULAR_PROTEIN_TRANSPORT 0.1844152 33345693 0.0000034 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0002150 TRUE 626
GO_LIPID_METABOLIC_PROCESS 0.0945334 39932380 0.0165768 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.1385821 FALSE 642
GO_LOCOMOTION 0.2529728 29960922 0.0000000 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0000000 TRUE 622
GO_MOLECULAR_FUNCTION_REGULATOR 0.2613738 30928615 0.0000000 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0000000 TRUE 631
GO_NEGATIVE_REGULATION_OF_NUCLEOBASE_CONTAINING_COMPOUND_METABOLIC_PROCESS 0.0541471 37752527 0.1777842 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.5020328 FALSE 621
GO_NEGATIVE_REGULATION_OF_SIGNALING 0.1903382 30931822 0.0000022 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0001482 TRUE 612
GO_NEUROGENESIS 0.1063929 31530649 0.0093411 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0976614 TRUE 596
GO_ORGANIC_ACID_METABOLIC_PROCESS 0.0489076 31897971 0.2371635 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.5709386 FALSE 586
GO_PROTEIN_MODIFICATION_BY_SMALL_PROTEIN_CONJUGATION_OR_REMOVAL 0.1040228 31773678 0.0110116 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.1087103 FALSE 597
GO_REGULATION_OF_CELL_CYCLE 0.1377691 28622634 0.0008434 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0171851 TRUE 584
GO_REGULATION_OF_CELL_POPULATION_PROLIFERATION 0.2116038 32544014 0.0000001 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0000100 TRUE 628
GO_REGULATION_OF_IMMUNE_SYSTEM_PROCESS 0.3600718 25295938 0.0000000 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0000000 TRUE 619
GO_REGULATION_OF_ORGANELLE_ORGANIZATION 0.1327102 29087378 0.0012930 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0238330 TRUE 586
#Check out top hits ranked by spearman estimate
Cor.twosidedtest %>%
  filter(q<0.1) %>%
  filter(n>=10) %>%
  arrange(desc(estimate)) %>% head(30) %>% kable()
GeneSetName estimate statistic p.value method alternative q Sig n
GO_LEUKOCYTE_TETHERING_OR_ROLLING 0.8727273 28 0.0009490 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0189130 TRUE 11
GO_INTEGRIN_ACTIVATION 0.8666667 22 0.0026814 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0410333 TRUE 10
GO_PHOSPHATIDIC_ACID_BINDING 0.8666667 22 0.0026814 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0410333 TRUE 10
GO_LEUKOCYTE_ADHESION_TO_VASCULAR_ENDOTHELIAL_CELL 0.8441176 106 0.0000193 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0008800 TRUE 16
GO_PROTEIN_LIPID_COMPLEX_ASSEMBLY 0.8303030 28 0.0055568 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0696243 TRUE 10
GO_POSITIVE_REGULATION_OF_STEROID_METABOLIC_PROCESS 0.8131868 68 0.0012389 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0232379 TRUE 13
GO_PROTEIN_HETEROTETRAMERIZATION 0.8090909 42 0.0044280 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0593275 TRUE 11
GO_POSITIVE_REGULATION_OF_OLIGODENDROCYTE_DIFFERENTIATION 0.8060606 32 0.0082356 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0900905 TRUE 10
GO_REGULATION_OF_MORPHOGENESIS_OF_A_BRANCHING_STRUCTURE 0.8060606 32 0.0082356 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0900905 TRUE 10
GO_NEGATIVE_REGULATION_OF_BLOOD_CIRCULATION 0.8021978 72 0.0016243 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0279310 TRUE 13
GO_PROTEIN_LIPID_COMPLEX_SUBUNIT_ORGANIZATION 0.7982456 230 0.0000555 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0019680 TRUE 19
GO_ANTIMICROBIAL_HUMORAL_IMMUNE_RESPONSE_MEDIATED_BY_ANTIMICROBIAL_PEPTIDE 0.7972028 58 0.0031613 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0458355 TRUE 12
GO_CLATHRIN_COATED_ENDOCYTIC_VESICLE_MEMBRANE 0.7972028 58 0.0031613 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0458355 TRUE 12
GO_POSITIVE_REGULATION_OF_INTERFERON_BETA_PRODUCTION 0.7929825 236 0.0000711 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0023625 TRUE 19
GO_AMYLOID_BETA_CLEARANCE 0.7928571 116 0.0006740 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0142340 TRUE 15
GO_POSITIVE_REGULATION_OF_PHOSPHOLIPID_METABOLIC_PROCESS 0.7909091 46 0.0060608 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0734852 TRUE 11
GO_REGULATION_OF_LYMPHOCYTE_CHEMOTAXIS 0.7909091 46 0.0060608 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0734852 TRUE 11
GO_POSITIVE_REGULATION_OF_GLYCOPROTEIN_BIOSYNTHETIC_PROCESS 0.7818182 48 0.0070121 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0799596 TRUE 11
GO_POSITIVE_REGULATION_OF_GLYCOPROTEIN_METABOLIC_PROCESS 0.7818182 48 0.0070121 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0799596 TRUE 11
GO_ACTIVATION_OF_PROTEIN_KINASE_B_ACTIVITY 0.7735294 154 0.0006830 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0143763 TRUE 16
GO_RESPONSE_TO_CHEMOKINE 0.7729323 302 0.0000964 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0029011 TRUE 20
GO_RESPONSE_TO_INTERFERON_ALPHA 0.7622378 68 0.0058975 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0724690 TRUE 12
GO_REGULATION_OF_MYELINATION 0.7558824 166 0.0010695 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0209449 TRUE 16
GO_RUFFLE_ASSEMBLY 0.7529412 168 0.0011468 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0222990 TRUE 16
GO_POSITIVE_REGULATION_OF_RECEPTOR_MEDIATED_ENDOCYTOSIS 0.7416530 944 0.0000116 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0005818 TRUE 28
GO_RESPONSE_TO_INTERFERON_BETA 0.7362637 120 0.0038188 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0523761 TRUE 14
GO_PORE_COMPLEX 0.7362637 96 0.0057894 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0715548 TRUE 13
GO_POSITIVE_REGULATION_OF_CELL_CYCLE_G1_S_PHASE_TRANSITION 0.7357143 148 0.0025498 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0396516 TRUE 15
GO_SERINE_TYPE_ENDOPEPTIDASE_INHIBITOR_ACTIVITY 0.7357143 148 0.0025498 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0396516 TRUE 15
GO_REGULATION_OF_PROTEIN_OLIGOMERIZATION 0.7087912 106 0.0088286 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0939976 TRUE 13
#grep for MHC
Cor.twosidedtest %>%
  # filter(q<0.1) %>%
  filter(str_detect(GeneSetName, "MHC")) %>% kable()
GeneSetName estimate statistic p.value method alternative q Sig n
GO_ANTIGEN_PROCESSING_AND_PRESENTATION_OF_EXOGENOUS_PEPTIDE_ANTIGEN_VIA_MHC_CLASS_I 0.4606229 8746 0.0014298 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0254716 TRUE 46
GO_ANTIGEN_PROCESSING_AND_PRESENTATION_OF_PEPTIDE_ANTIGEN_VIA_MHC_CLASS_I 0.4183149 18910 0.0011925 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.0229066 TRUE 58
GO_ANTIGEN_PROCESSING_AND_PRESENTATION_OF_PEPTIDE_OR_POLYSACCHARIDE_ANTIGEN_VIA_MHC_CLASS_II 0.2622974 10468 0.0855649 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.3471221 FALSE 44
GO_MHC_CLASS_I_PROTEIN_BINDING 0.8285714 6 0.0583333 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.2834249 FALSE 6
GO_MHC_CLASS_II_BIOSYNTHETIC_PROCESS 0.1785714 46 0.7130952 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.8503662 FALSE 7
GO_MHC_CLASS_II_PROTEIN_COMPLEX_BINDING 0.4285714 32 0.3535714 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.6581377 FALSE 7
GO_MHC_PROTEIN_BINDING 0.5181818 106 0.1069182 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.3915911 FALSE 11
GO_MHC_PROTEIN_COMPLEX_BINDING 0.1272727 144 0.7328868 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided 0.8641192 FALSE 10



Labels <- Cor.twosidedtest %>%
  filter(GeneSetName %in% GeneSetsToPlot) %>%
    "Spearman's \u03C1 = ", signif(estimate,2), "\n",
    "n = ", n, "\n",
    "p = ", format.pval(p.value,2))) %>%
  dplyr::select(GeneSetName, label) %>%
  mutate(GeneSetNameMod=str_replace_all(str_replace(GeneSetName, "^GO", ""), pattern = "_", " "))
CorScatterPlots <- HallmarkGeneSets %>%
  left_join(MergedTable, by=c("ensembl_gene_id"="gene")) %>%
  filter(GeneSetName %in% GeneSetsToPlot) %>%
  drop_na() %>%
  mutate(GeneSetNameMod=str_replace_all(str_replace(GeneSetName, "^GO", ""), pattern = "_", " ")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=dn.ds, y=MeanDispersion)) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.25) +
  scale_x_continuous(trans="log10", limits=c(.001,2)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-3,3)) +
  facet_grid(~GeneSetNameMod, labeller = labeller(GeneSetNameMod = label_wrap_gen(width = 25))) +
  xlab("dN/dS") +
  ylab("Dispersion") +
  data    = Labels,
  mapping = aes(x = 0.001, y = Inf, label = label),
  hjust   = 0,
  vjust   = 1.1) +

ggsave("../figures/OriginalArt/ResponseToReviewers.dnds.GO.pdf", plot = CorScatterPlots, device=cairo_pdf, height=3, width=7)

Ok, now save the relevant plots…

ggsave("../figures/OriginalArt/ResponseToReviewers.dnds.GO.pdf", plot = CorScatterPlots, device=cairo_pdf, height=3, width=7)
ggsave("../figures/OriginalArt/ResponseToReviewers.GO.summary.pdf", plot = GO.Summary.plot, device=cairo_pdf, height=4, width=5.5)

GO.test.histogram <- ggplot(Cor.twosidedtest, aes(x=p.value)) +
  geom_histogram(bins=20) +
  theme_bw() +
  ylab("Number GO categories") +
  xlab("Spearman test P values")
ggsave("../figures/OriginalArt/ResponseToReviewers.GO.hist.pdf", plot = GO.test.histogram, height=3, width=3)
write_delim(Cor.twosidedtest, "../figures/OriginalArt/ResponseToReviewers.GO.hist.sorce.tsv", delim = '\t')

Ok, I think I’ve done enough for this approach.

Now let’s try the second idea: plot a regression fit of MeanDispersion (mean dispersion estimate between human and chimp) vs the log(dn/ds) (log transformation since dn/ds is more normally distributed on a log scale, which seems more natural). Here I am using the robust regression to not be thrown off so much for outlier points. The idea is to ask if certain gene categories have more dispersion than you would expect given their coding conservation.

EDIT: later I realized this approach isn’t as interesting as I thought, I’m going to make eval=F to build the site quicker, rather than have R evaluate these code blocks and make the plot results for this next section.

ggplot(MergedTable, aes(y=MeanDispersion, x=log(dn.ds))) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="rlm") +

fit <- rlm(MeanDispersion~log(dn.ds), data=MergedTable )

MergedTable$fitResid <-  resid(fit)

ResidualsFromFit <- MergedTable %>%
  dplyr::select(gene, fitResid) %>%
  deframe() %>% sort(decreasing = T)


            ont = "ALL",

ResidDispersionContrastPlot <-
  gsea.resid %>% %>%
  dplyr::select(Description, ONTOLOGY, p.adjust,enrichmentScore, setSize, NES) %>%
  mutate(Polarization=sign(enrichmentScore)) %>%
  # filter(str_detect(Description, 'DNA')) %>%
  # group_by(ONTOLOGY, Polarization) %>%
  group_by(ONTOLOGY, Polarization) %>%
  top_n(n = 3, wt = abs(NES)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(ONTOLOGY=recode(ONTOLOGY, `BP` = "Biological Process", `CC` = "Cellular Component", `MF`="Molecular Function")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=enrichmentScore, y=Description, color=p.adjust, size=setSize)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-1,1), breaks=c(-1,0,1)) +
  facet_grid(ONTOLOGY~., scales = "free") +
  scale_colour_viridis_c(trans="log10", limits=c(0.0001, 0.1), direction=-1, option="D") +
  # scale_colour_gradient(low="red", high="black") +
  facet_grid(ONTOLOGY~., scales = "free") +
  # xlab("Enrichment\nOverdispersedInHuman<-->OverdispersedInChimp") +
  xlab("Enrichment") +
  scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) lapply(strwrap(x, width = 35, simplify = FALSE), paste, collapse="\n")) +
  labs(color = "Adjusted P-value") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dotted") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=6)) + 

To contrast, let’s do the same thing on the original dispersion estimates

MeanDispersion <- MergedTable %>%
  dplyr::select(gene, MeanDispersion) %>%
  deframe() %>% sort(decreasing = T)

            ont = "ALL",

MeanDispersionContrastPlot <-
  gsea.meanDispersion %>% %>%
  dplyr::select(Description, ONTOLOGY, p.adjust,enrichmentScore, setSize, NES) %>%
  mutate(Polarization=sign(enrichmentScore)) %>%
  # filter(str_detect(Description, 'DNA')) %>%
  # group_by(ONTOLOGY, Polarization) %>%
  group_by(ONTOLOGY, Polarization) %>%
  top_n(n = 3, wt = abs(NES)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(ONTOLOGY=recode(ONTOLOGY, `BP` = "Biological Process", `CC` = "Cellular Component", `MF`="Molecular Function")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=enrichmentScore, y=Description, color=p.adjust, size=setSize)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-1,1), breaks=c(-1,0,1)) +
  facet_grid(ONTOLOGY~., scales = "free") +
  scale_colour_viridis_c(trans="log10", limits=c(0.0001, 0.1), direction=-1, option="D") +
  # scale_colour_gradient(low="red", high="black") +
  facet_grid(ONTOLOGY~., scales = "free") +
  # xlab("Enrichment\nOverdispersedInHuman<-->OverdispersedInChimp") +
  xlab("Enrichment") +
  scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) lapply(strwrap(x, width = 35, simplify = FALSE), paste, collapse="\n")) +
  labs(color = "Adjusted P-value") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dotted") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=6)) + 

I see ontology terms related with things that I think of as housekeeping functions (tRNA processing, ribosome, mitochondria complex, RNA processing) as associated with negative residuals (less dispersion than expected, after regressing out dn/ds effect). I still see more cell type specific terms (angiogenesis, leukocyte migration) associated with higher residuals. This is consistent with dispersion partly being related to cell type heterogeneity (genes with housekeeping functions expressed in all cell types being less dispersed), as an effect independent from the negative selection forces that might keep genetically driven dispersion low.

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.5

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[8] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] MASS_7.3-51.4          Cairo_1.5-12.2         data.table_1.12.8     
 [4] qvalue_2.16.0          broom_0.5.2      
 [7] AnnotationDbi_1.46.1   IRanges_2.18.3         S4Vectors_0.22.1      
[10] Biobase_2.44.0         BiocGenerics_0.30.0    clusterProfiler_3.12.0
[13] knitr_1.26             forcats_0.4.0          stringr_1.4.0         
[16] dplyr_0.8.3            purrr_0.3.3            readr_1.3.1           
[19] tidyr_1.0.0            tibble_2.1.3           ggplot2_3.2.1         
[22] tidyverse_1.3.0       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] fgsea_1.10.1        colorspace_1.4-1    ellipsis_0.3.0     
  [4] ggridges_0.5.1      rprojroot_1.3-2     fs_1.3.1           
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 [10] graphlayouts_0.5.0  ggrepel_0.8.1       bit64_0.9-7        
 [13] fansi_0.4.0         lubridate_1.7.4     xml2_1.2.2         
 [16] splines_3.6.1       GOSemSim_2.10.0     polyclip_1.10-0    
 [19] zeallot_0.1.0       jsonlite_1.6        workflowr_1.5.0    
 [22] GO.db_3.8.2         dbplyr_1.4.2        ggforce_0.3.1      
 [25] BiocManager_1.30.10 compiler_3.6.1      httr_1.4.1         
 [28] rvcheck_0.1.7       backports_1.1.5     assertthat_0.2.1   
 [31] Matrix_1.2-18       lazyeval_0.2.2      cli_2.0.0          
 [34] later_1.0.0         tweenr_1.0.1        htmltools_0.4.0    
 [37] prettyunits_1.0.2   tools_3.6.1         igraph_1.2.4.2     
 [40] gtable_0.3.0        glue_1.3.1          reshape2_1.4.3     
 [43] DO.db_2.9           fastmatch_1.1-0     Rcpp_1.0.5         
 [46] enrichplot_1.4.0    cellranger_1.1.0    vctrs_0.2.0        
 [49] nlme_3.1-143        ggraph_2.0.0        xfun_0.11          
 [52] rvest_0.3.5         lifecycle_0.1.0     DOSE_3.10.2        
 [55] europepmc_0.3       scales_1.1.0        tidygraph_1.1.2    
 [58] hms_0.5.2           promises_1.1.0      RColorBrewer_1.1-2 
 [61] yaml_2.2.0          memoise_1.1.0       gridExtra_2.3      
 [64] UpSetR_1.4.0        triebeard_0.3.0     stringi_1.4.3      
 [67] RSQLite_2.1.4       highr_0.8           BiocParallel_1.18.1
 [70] rlang_0.4.1         pkgconfig_2.0.3     evaluate_0.14      
 [73] lattice_0.20-38     labeling_0.3        cowplot_1.0.0      
 [76] bit_1.1-14          tidyselect_0.2.5    plyr_1.8.5         
 [79] magrittr_1.5        R6_2.4.1            generics_0.0.2     
 [82] DBI_1.0.0           pillar_1.4.2        haven_2.2.0        
 [85] withr_2.1.2         modelr_0.1.5        crayon_1.3.4       
 [88] rmarkdown_1.18      viridis_0.5.1       progress_1.2.2     
 [91] grid_3.6.1          readxl_1.3.1        blob_1.2.0         
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[100] viridisLite_0.3.0   ggplotify_0.0.4